在pop culture, cybercrimes are often portrayed as mysterious and unrealistic. Hackers are enigmatic and have extraordinary tech abilities. They can discover top secrets in a short time and type at breakneck speed to hack into a database.

但是,在现实生活中,hacking is not that straightforward。黑客可能有技术能力和高intelligence, but they are otherwise normal human beings. It takes a lot of time and research to come up with foolproof strategies to break into an organization’s secret files.

在the last few decades, hacking and cybersecurity have become important topics of discussion, and pop culture has capitalized on this wave of interest. Many movies and TV shows now find ways to weave cybercrime into their storylines. At times, the depiction is realistic and informative; most of the time, it’s plain misleading and ludicrous.

在this article, we take a look at some pop culture hacking scenes from TV and movies and the cybersecurity lessons, if any, we can learn from them.

Hackers are not always basement-dwelling nerds

主要是,雄性黑客在好莱坞电影中描绘,要么隐居,要么是隐蔽的阴谋理论家或超级聪明的前情报人员。图片丹尼斯·尼德里侏罗纪公园或马丁主教Sneakers.Their female counterparts—few and far between—tend toward the harsh, ass-kicking, boyish types, like Kate Libby inHackersor Trinity inThe Matrix


Hackers could be bubbly, social, feminine, sporty, narcissistic—the life of the party. They could also be relatively quiet, introverts, artists, compassionate, or deeply sensitive. Simply put, pop culture has a habit of stereotyping what it doesn’t understand, and hacking is still a widely misunderstood pastime/profession.

B.ut there is one truth that unites all hacker types: Hacking requires strategic, conceptual thinking, so intelligence is required, as is practice. The best actual hackers spend years honing their craft, testing and testing code, working with mentors and peers, sometimes going to school or, yes, the military, for skills training.

然而,网络犯罪不是由超级技巧的黑客主导。大多数犯罪分子都有更软的代码写作技巧,在黑暗的网络上购买恶意软件 - AS-Service套件或使用社会工程技术来欺骗用户的资金。与此同时,有黑客使用他们的技能,称为白色帽子,经常用作安全研究人员或在商业,学校,医疗组织或政府中工作。必威官网多少


Hacking takes research and patience

电影和电视节目意味着令人兴奋和戏剧性。与在行业范围之外的大多数尚未充分理解的大多数职业如何 - 认为理论物理学家或大脑外科医生 - 这些专业的描绘人们都是在流行文化中更加动作的行动,而不是在现实世界中。

真正的黑客和网络安全专家必须通过培训和经验来依赖耐心和持久性,以击打金 - 远远超过一个可以在五分钟或更短的地方解决剧情点的神奇解决方案。

3..2…1…”I’m in!”

Research is one of the most important parts of hacking or engineering or reverse-engineering, along with making mistakes. Real-world cybersecurity experts understand that failures are just as important as successes. Why?

Part of cybersecurity involves testing currently-active systems to findflawsandimprove需要改善什么。这可能需要数月或多年的努力,而不仅仅是几分钟的精心设计和计算机巫术。即使当犯罪分子建立最复杂的软件时发现他们的封面被吹来,他们又回到了绘图表,以提升有更好的渗透主机的计划。

You can’t save a system by smashingbuttons

WhenNCIS’ Abby is hacked, a million pop-ups fill her screen—Hollywood’s favorite “You’ve been hacked!” move. Thankfully, her friend heroically steps in, furiously typing on the keyboard until the problem is solved. Of course, that’s not quite how the scene would play out in real life.

When a computer is hacked, you cannot save it by pressing buttons aimlessly. You must, at minimum, unplug/shut down the computer and restart or install a USB drive or CD system. And you should also run a scan with an anti-malware program that can清理受感染的设备。If you’re part of a business network, the process is more complicated: Alerting your company’s IT team is the best course of action if you suspect an infection. Button mashing will only make your fingers sore.

Hacking is not always flashy

Hollywood loves to make eye candy out of a hacking scene, often displaying colorful, polished graphic interfaces (GUIs) or 3D-immersive virtual reality experiences—neither of which have much to do with actual hacking.This infamous hacking scene in旗鱼, for example, shows Stanley completing some sort of digital Rubik’s Cube to “assemble crypto algorithm.” Whatever that means.

而且还有这个经典侏罗纪公园, where Ariana gains control of the automatic doors by “hacking” into the Unix security system in a matter of seconds.

Setting aside that saying, “It’s a Unix system, I know this” is like saying, “It’s a Windows system, I know this,” knowing Unix (or Windows) wouldn’t automatically bestow on someone the power to override security protocols—especially on custom GUIs reminiscent of a Minecraft beta.


A more accurate interface would be to show command line (code) displayed on aconsoleor terminal, simply because it would be the most efficient way for hackers to obtain data quickly.

However, as much as pop culture has misrepresented hacking to the general public, it has also taught us varying real-life lessons about cybersecurity. Here are a few examples:

Do not download and install untrusted applications

Ex Machina, we learned that the CEO of Blue Book, Nathan Bateman, fast-tracked the emotional growth of Ava by taking data from smartphone cameras across the world. This scenario is currently playing out in real life, as there are applications that can be downloaded from third-party platforms and even from Google Play and Apple App Store that can spy on users and steal their personal information.

This teaches us to be careful when downloading applications online. Verify each app’s capabilities and permission requests before installing them on your devices. If a music app is asking for access to your GPS location, for example, ask yourself why such information would be necessary for this app to function. If it seems like an unnecessary amount of access, it’s better to forget downloading.

Small distractions could be a diversion

有时网络安全课程可以从不涉及计算机的电影场景中学到。例如,在Star Wars: The Last Jedi,PoE创造了一个转移,分散了一般的注意力,在轰炸了令人畏惧之前。事实上,军事战略往往与网络战争的常规融合。

Small distractions were used to a great effect in the2015 distributed denial of services (DDoS) attacks on ProtonMail, for example. A small ransom note was dropped as a precursor to a 15-minute test DDoS attack, which diverted ProtonMail’s IT team to customer service assistance. The threat actors then followed up with the true mission, jamming up ProtonMail servers with a 50 Gigabit-per-second wave of junk data that took down the datacenter housing servers while simultaneously attacking several ISPs upstream, causing serious damage that took the company offline for days.

The lesson you can take away from this is that a small disruption of services could just be the blip on the radar meant to pull attention away from the storm. Make sure you stay on alert, especially if you notice this at work, wherecybercriminals are focusing more of their efforts for larger returns on their investments


Always usetwo-factor authentication (2FA)保护您的在线账户 - 不能过分强调。在Mr. Robot,2FAS被用来保护对公司的数据进行访问,并将黑客留出。许多物联网设备,密码管理器和其他应用程序已识别出2FA或多因素身份验证的功率,从黑客屏蔽用户和专有数据谁能够利用密码习惯
