There’s an interesting find over at the Sansec blog, wrapping time and date manipulation up with avery smart RAT attack

The file, named CronRAT, isn’t an e-commerce attack compromising payment terminals in physical stores. Rather, it looks to swipe payment details by going after vulnerable web stores and dropping payment skimmers on Linux servers. It’s your classic Magecart attack with a stealthy twist.

This method means it bypasses the protection people using the websites arm themselves with, rigging the game from the start. By the time you get onto the website, everything may be fine at your end but the stream further up river has already been polluted. It achieves this thanks to the Linux Cron Job system, which we’ll come back to a little later.



It’s the collective used for multiple groups who partake in网络skimming。These attacks rely on outdated CMSes, or plugin zero days. They may go aftersmall businesses running a particular e-commerce platform。他们可能会使用这样的服务防弹托管挫败研究人员和执法。web shell是一个popular tactic。有偶数仿冒机关out there, just to make things even more confusing.

Client-side versus server-side attacks

客户端是从网站上购买东西的人闲逛。这些是Magecart May Lurk等操作的地方。它可能是从不受信任的域名加载的虚假javascript,或者也许是其他形式的流氓码。您可以使用像NoScript这样的浏览器插件避免诸如这些威胁。就如何尝试和保护您的浏览器而言,有一个控制这些因素的元素。

Server-side is an attack on the merchants. Your security processes and tools are great, but when someone is directly corrupting the site under the hood, you may be fighting a lost battle. While your typical web shopper’s first run-in with Magecart would be the previously mentioned rogue JavaScript or other code, this attack means browser-based fixes may not help.

With those out of the way, we’ll loop back to Cron and Cron Jobs.




As Sansec puts it:

…the actual malware code is hidden in the task names and is constructed using several layers of compression and base64 decoding.




这是我们威胁情报高级总监Jerome Segura的一些想法:

We’ve known for a long time that there are two different ecosystems when it comes to website security: server-side and client-side. While most security companies focus on the latter, the former is probably the more interesting and perhaps less documented one as it requires access to backend systems. This is an example of a threat that is well crafted and meant to evade detection by default browser-side, but also in some aspects server-side due to its clever obfuscation techniques.


An attacker will first compromise online shops that are vulnerable to attacks, so it makes sense to stay clear of those that are not following best practices.


There’s lots of things you can do out there in the real world to避免ATM撇渣者,以及相关的威胁。您也可以积极主动在基于Web的撇渣器的领域targeting the sites you make payments on。诸如Cronrat等问题可能需要一段时间,而各种行业则需要一段时间。
