



问候,谢谢你回复我,因为我请求,我只是想通过我们可以完全理解的方式,我相信通过电子邮件的相应相应的是更好的理解,并为此事提供保密。我希望我们的沟通基本上通过电子邮件。我的名字是乔治·罗克特先生,我要求你的帮助留下迟到的Alfredo Aquilino Navarro先生留下了贵国的公民。如果这将危及您的职位和声誉,我就不会联系您。这对我们俩都安全且有利于经济上的。我现在在Minnesota,美国银行的运营经理,请将这些信息保留给您自己。一旦您接受与我一起这样做,我将为您提供更多详细信息,我们的银行和交易本身。Alfredo Aquilino Navarro先生在​​明尼苏达州生活和工作,作为一个房地产商人,他存入我们的银行八百万元,二十万美元(8,022,000美元),为2003年的两年内的定期存款此押金尚未声称,直到这一刻。我们银行的例程转移所有者在美国财政部超过十年的一段时间内的所有存款,该账户已被列入待转移到该部门的账户 Treasury. One thing with this particular account that attracted my interest is that the depositor did not put any beneficiary at the time he made the deposit and therefore did not leave anyone for our bank to contact where he is not available. I have on my own undertaken an independent investigation to know his whereabouts since there is no one else to contact and I realized that he died in 2004 as a result of heart related illness in Mexico while on vacation. Our bank does not know about his death even as I write you this email. I have gone to his last known address and everyone that knew him confirmed he was dead and I also inquired from the registrar of deaths in Mexico, his death was registered and there is no known relative of him as well. All these made it impossible for me to locate any of his relatives, since this is the issue, I want to put your name as his beneficiary in his records with our bank so you can apply and make the claim as the legal beneficiary of the money. I know there are lots of Filipinos living here in the United States but because of the way our bank works, it is only someone outside of United States that can successfully make the claim. It does not matter if you knew him or not, it does not matter if you had any kind of relationship with him or not, I will guide you all the way until the claim is made. It is not a matter of being greedy, we are not hurting anyone by making this claim and it is not the best to leave the money to eventually end up in the hands of few corrupt government officials while we have the opportunity to live better with the money when claimed. This transaction is a risk free one and as the operations manager of our bank, the final approval of your application will be done by me. Once I approve it, you will have the right to claim the money. We will share the money into two equal parts (50:50) when the claim is made and I will come over to your country for my own share of the money. Everything will be done successfully as I am in a position to influence things in our favor, have no fear about this. Right now, I have all the copies of documents relating to the deposit he made that you will file to back up this claim. All I require is your sincerity and honest cooperation to enable us make this claim successfully and we have to do this within the shortest time possible because the money will be reverted to the government's account if not claimed now. If you are willing to do this with me, write back and reconfirm the below information of yours to enable me put them up in his records as his beneficiary: 1. Full Names: 2. Residential Address: 3. Telephone Number: 4. Age: Once I receive the above information, I will put them in his records and once done, I shall inform you on what next to do to make sure you receive the money. Please, make sure you have a valid identity bearing the name you will give me, it is very important as our bank will require your identity proof before letting you have the money. I am waiting for your consent and details in order to move to the next step towards getting the money. Please, this is really a serious transaction and I want you to take it seriously too. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Mr. George R. Turner. Phone: +1-651-436-0392.









  • 撤销其中,其中诈骗者将作为“恢复机构”提出的询问,以便在他/她意识到他们被骗后恢复受害者丢失的钱
  • 绑架赎金和/或死亡,其中诈骗者,邀请目标前往尼日利亚或南非“关闭交易”后,当他/她拒绝支付更多“费用”并想要外出时,就会得到身体。有了已知的现实生活案例,如此事件:罗马尼亚商人是绑架1999年并持有半百万美元的赎金,但后来被警方救出;日本商人逃脱被迫叫他的儿子赎金后,他的俘虏没有严重伤害;一个29岁的希腊男性的烧焦的身体是发现在约翰内斯堡之后,在诈骗者赎金的需求量80,000英镑没有被他的兄弟支付;挪威国民和商人也是谋杀了在南非有证据于他的酒店房间,指向他参与尼日利亚黑手党。




Jovi Umawing.