微软将于10月14日终止对Windows 10 Home和Pro的支持,这是原始Windows 10被带到市场之后的十年。虽然有些人可能声称Microsoft文档已成为“悄然编辑”在周末来反映这种“突然变化”,这揭示并不是新的。事实上,基于同一页面的单独机器屏幕截图,Windows Central.已经指出此揭示自9月2020年9月以来一直在Microsoft页面上。

尽管如此,这种在Windows 10对Windows 10的兴趣已经很近三周Microsoft构建2021个事件5月下旬,Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella戏弄作品中的东西:“下一代Windows”(提示:它不会被称为Windows 11)。此外,这种生命周期揭示了至少一周之前发生过2021年6月24日的新窗口数码赛事


Nadella主题演讲的转录,从Windows Central再现,在构建2021事件期间

微软尚未暗示这个新的操作系统将向公众透露,在市场上可用的更少可用,但Nadella承认他已经测试了几个月。We don’t know what it will contain, but Windows is still the platform of choice for most businesses, and therefore the platform of choice for most malware—including the most dangerous forms, like ransomware—so we’d be surprised if it doesn’t include something designed to tackle that head on.

该公司还预料到从潜在的Windired Windows 10转换到新的桌面OS将会围绕四年。历史表明这是乐观的。Windows XP七年前达到了终身结束。


And if there is anything we’ve learned about end-of-life cycles and support, it’s this: Scammers and fraudsters have made it a point to use news like this to lure potential victims into either downloading malware disguised as a legitimate file or to steal pertinent information and credentials. So, while we prepare for this transition, let’s not forget to also keep our eyes open. Stay informed, and stay safe!