Akshay Bhargava
Chief Product Officer, Malwarebytes

Akshay is the Chief Product Officer at Malwarebytes and enjoys technology, business, the stock market, cybersecurity, leadership, yoga, and basketball.

May 28, 2020 - Since its inception, the endpoint detection and response (EDR) market has evolved rapidly with new innovations to better address the cyber landscape and meet customers’ needs for an effective and simple solution that just works. But finding something that just works means something quite different for every business, depending on their size, security expertise, and requirements.

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March 25, 2020 - Malwarebytes CPO Akshay Bhargava explains why the consumerization of IT security—consumer-grade ease of use, plus enterprise security expertise—can meet the cybersecurity challenges of today.

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October 29, 2019 - The world as we know it changed on October 29, 1969, the day the Internet was born. 50 years later, it's both ubiquitous and full of potential—and risks.

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