



You didn’t back up the anniversary video. In fact, you haven’t支持您的任何文件在几个月内。你做什么工作?

不幸的是,当涉及勒索软件时,一旦您的文件加密,您就不会can做 - Besides减少了您的损失或付款。即使您确实付款,也很有可能不会收回文件,因此您可以将文件和现金出售。

必威官网多少对于世界各地的企业,赌注甚至更高。这massive WanaCryt0r outbreak是互联网历史上最大的勒索软件攻击,使医院工作人员摆脱了关键数据,并破坏了150个国家 /地区的组织运营。跟进,NotPetyaandbadRabbitmade 2017 the year of ransomware.

这se types of attacks can have a devastating impact, from losing precious personal data to shutting down hospital services in the middle of emergency procedures. In some cases, it’s a matter of life or death.


Types of ransomware



这不是一个真正的勒索软件,而是使用类似的策略将用户从正常的浏览活动中冻结,以便吓taffers受害者为他们不需要的“服务”付费。Scareware包括Rogue安全软件和betway 体育是哪国的。您可能会收到一条弹出消息,声称发现了一件恶意软件,摆脱它们的唯一方法就是付款。


专家提示:合法的网络安全软件计划不会以这种方式征集客户。如果您在计算机上还没有该公司的软件,那么他们将不会监视您是否有勒索软件感染。如果您确实拥有该公司的软件,则无需付费即可消除感染 - 您已经为该软件付费了。

Screen lockers

Upgrade to terror alert orange for these guys. When lock-screen ransomware gets on your computer, it means you’re frozen out of your PC entirely. Upon starting up your computer, a full-size window will appear, often accompanied by an official-looking FBI or U.S. Department of Justice seal saying illegal activity has been detected on your computer and you must pay a fine.

In order to reclaim control of your PC, a fullsystem restoremight be in order. If that doesn’t work, you can try running a scan from a bootable CD or USB drive.


Encrypting ransomware


Pro tip:这FBI has changed its positionon whether folks should pay the ransom. They now agree with cybersecurity professionals, who advise you to avoid this option. Complying with ransomware criminals just opens the door up for future attacks. If, however, really valuable files are at stake, you can try to negotiate the release of the most important for less money. This should only be done as a last resort.


Malwarebytes Labs总监Adam Kujawa说:“如果恶意软件历史上有任何攻击证明您需要在攻击发生之前对适当的保护,那么加密勒索软件。”必威官方登录备用必威平台APP“一旦您被感染,现在为时已晚。游戏结束。”


预防勒索软件的第一步是投资出色的网络安全 - 具有实时保护的程序,旨在挫败先进的恶意软件攻击,例如勒索软件。您还应该寻找将既可以保护弱势程序免受威胁(反爆炸技术)的功能,又要屏蔽勒索软件,将文件固定为人质。使用的客户Malwarebytes Premium, for example, were protected from the WanaCrypt0r attack.

接下来,尽管您可能会感到痛苦,但您需要定期创建数据的安全备份。您可以购买USB或外部硬盘驱动器,可以保存新的或更新的文件 - 只要在备份后,请确保将设备从计算机上断开连接,否则它们也可以感染勒索软件。云储存is another option, but we recommend using a server with high-level encryption and multiple-factor authentication.

然后,确保您的系统和软件已更新。许多勒索软件和其他恶意软件攻击都利用了vulnerabilities in Microsoft software。While the company regularly releases补丁for security loopholes, many folks don’t install the updates—which leaves them open to attack.

We get that it’s hard to stay on top of an ever-growing list of updates from an ever-growing list of software and applications used in your daily life. That’s why we recommend changing your settings to enable automatic updating.

Finally, stay informed. One of the most common ways that computers are infected with ransomware is throughsocial engineering。Educate yourself on how to detect网络钓鱼运动, suspicious websites, and other scams. And above all else, exercise common sense. If it seems suspect, it probably is.